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Millionaire Mindset

HarborOne Bank - Brockton, MA

2023 Community Committment Awards Submission

  • Entry Category: Financial Education
  • Asset Size: Medium

Since its inception in June of 2020, HarborOne has reached over 5,000 youth through the Millionaire Mindset program. It is an interactive curriculum with utilizes the game-based platform Kahoot! At the start of the game, we ask a series of true and false questions about millionaires. Are the majority of millionaires college graduates? Do the majority of millionaires have high paying jobs? Do all millionaire inherit their money? This immediately engages the students and they often have misconceptions about millionaires. We discuss that the majority of millionaires are entrepreneurs and own their own business. They typically do not take a large salary and reinvest their earning back into the business, often working 70-80 hours per week and are passionate about their work.

Additionally, we discuss the difference between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset. We share some of the characteristics and discuss how successful people have a growth mindset and see failure as an ability to learn and improve rather than a limit of their ability. People with a growth mindset take feedback as constructive, rather than as a personal attack. We also talk about how millionaires self-educate. We encourage the students to read regularly to continue to have a thirst for knowledge. Then through a series of multiple-choice questions and videos, we engage the students as they learn about the importance of saving, budgeting, credit and debt in a fun interactive way. HarborOne Bank has partnered with a number of organizations throughout MA and RI to deliver this program. University of Rhode Island (URI) Talent Development was our first partnership and we are entering our fourth year delivering the program to incoming first year scholars.