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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Bank of the Rockies - Clyde Park, MT

2023 Community Committment Awards Submission

  • Entry Category: Protecting Older Americans
  • Asset Size: Small

Observed annually, Bank of the Rockies is an avid and staunch supporter and observer of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Bank of the Rockies Senior Champions team and branch offices observe this annual awareness day not only on June 15th, but also throughout the month of June. Staff in all offices wear specially designed t-shirts throughout the month on Casual Fridays, and on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Office lobbies are decorated in purple and make resources available to all customers throughout the day and the month. The culminating event for Bank of the Rockies is a media event in observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in which top governmental, elder justice, and community stakeholders are invited to both attend and participate. The media event is designed to bring awareness to the realities of elder abuse, encourage networking and partnerships between elder justice agencies, and to educate residents throughout Montana.