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ABA: The American Bankers Association

Certified AML and Fraud Professional (CAFP)

Testing Options: ABA offers approved candidates the option of testing at Meazure Learning's U.S. test sites or via their live remote proctoring (LRP) system, the ProctorU Proctoring Platform. LRP allows candidates who meet the technical requirements to take the exam at their home or other private location with a live, remote proctor.

Proud to Be Certified

"CAFP is a perfect fit for my bank's footprint."

"I felt the CAFP dealt with experiences in the everyday life of a Fraud and/or BSA Investigators role to help further their knowledge and career."

"An ABA certification is an excellent way to become proficient in a specific banking skillset."

ABA's Professional Certifications are federally registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office.

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