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Team Impact

Country Club Bank - Kansas City, MO

2023 Community Committment Awards Submission

  • Entry Category: Volunteerism
  • Asset Size: Small

Team Impact is an associate-led CCB program that facilitates volunteer and giving opportunities for the bank’s associates. It has several components:

  1. “Hometown Fridays” allows associates to contribute a part of their paycheck to a fund every month for the opportunity to wear clothing representing local professional and college sports as well Kansas City-themed attire on Fridays. Each month, this program collects a few thousand dollars from associates, which are distributed to local charities. The nonprofits selected rotate each month. Associates are encouraged to suggest new nonprofit beneficiaries.
  2. As part of the Team Impact program, associates also receive annual paid Volunteer Time Off (VTO) to assist local nonprofits. The Team Impact committee vets and organizes volunteer outings, usually two to four monthly, for nonprofits that are small and underserved but make a big impact within a very defined niche.
  3. A recent evolution of Team Impact is “Anytime VTO,” which provides an opportunity for associates to contribute without using their VTO hours. For example, Anytime VTO can be used for mentoring and for participating in blood drives, gift drives, book drives, diaper drives, etc. on the bank’s campuses.
  4. Team Impact also assists the Human Resources Department with Country Club Bank’s annual participation in the United Way Campaign.

Team Impact was born out of a desire to create a culture of philanthropy that instills in CCB associates a servant heart of volunteering and giving back. Beyond the value of the volunteer time spent and funds raised for nonprofit organizations through Team Impact, associates also give on their own time to causes they believe in, even outside of VTO hours and bank-organized activities.