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ABA: The American Bankers Association
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Special Purpose Credit Programs

Special purpose credit programs have been authorized for more than 40 years, allowing lenders to tailor lending programs to increase access to credit for underserved populations. However, many lenders have held back in part because there was little information about these programs. Learn how some banks are moving forward on offering special purpose credit programs to expand credit offerings for traditionally underserved segments of their communities.

    Resources by Population

    Spread the Word About SPCP

    If you have a Special Purpose Credit Program for small businesses, please share your story with ABA's Kitty Ryan.

    Tell Us Your Story
    *References to the OCC and Project REACh in this resource do not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of the ABA, its members, or their findings by the OCC. Participants in Project REACh, with the support of the ABA, worked together to articulate their findings; the information in this resource does not constitute an endorsement by the OCC and does not necessarily reflect the complete positions of the institutions that REACh working group members represent.