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Press Release

Ohio Teen Named Grand Prize Winner of National Video Contest

ABA Foundation recognizes ‘Lights, Camera, Save!’ winners on Teach Children to Save Day


Brodie Bosworth, a 17-year-old student at Lancaster High School in Lancaster, Ohio, is the national winner of the American Bankers Association Foundation’s Lights, Camera, Save! teen video contest for his entry, “Money Tree.” The ABA Foundation announced the national contest winners today via a video posted to ABA’s Instagram page.

Lights, Camera, Save! is a national contest that encourages teens ages 13-18 to communicate the value of sound money management in a 30-second or less video. This free competition is one of ABA Foundation’s most popular financial education initiatives. This year, 89 banks hosted 100 contests in 39 states and Washington, D.C. as a part of Lights, Camera, Save! Winners from those local competitions qualified for the national contest.

Bosworth’s video—selected after two rounds of judging at the national level including public voting via Instagram— reminds viewers that while ‘money doesn’t grow on trees,’ they can still meet their financial goals if they spend and save wisely. Bosworth advanced to the national competition after winning the local contest at Park National Bank in Newark, Ohio, and will take home $5,000 for his first-place finish.

“It is exciting to see Brodie win this national competition and be recognized for his hard work on such a creative video,” Laura Tussing, regional president and chief experience officer, Park National Bank. “Park believes strongly in teaching our youth the value of saving for the future, and the ‘Lights, Camera, Save!’ program has given Brodie and Park a fantastic platform to educate our community.”

“This year’s Lights, Camera, Save! competition was incredibly competitive, and we are proud to recognize Brodie and the other finalists for creating impressive videos that are equal parts educational and entertaining,” said Jeni Pastier, director of youth financial education, ABA Foundation. “Brodie’s film used a familiar phrase to remind viewers that budgeting and diligent spending can help make their savings dreams a reality. We hope these important financial lessons will reach students and young adults nationwide."

The ABA Foundation also selected the second and third place winners announced today. Omarion Tanner, a 14-year-old student at Kirksey Middle School in Jackson, Miss., earned second place for “The Playbook: Football and Finances.” Tanner won Planters Bank’s local competition. Third place was awarded to Sarah Moraw, a 17-year-old student at West Ottawa High School in Holland, Mich., for her video “Rappin' Your Way to Retirement.” She won a local contest at ChoiceOne Bank in Sparta, Mich.

First Place Winner—$5,000
Money Tree

Brodie Bosworth (Lancaster High School, Lancaster, Ohio.)
Park National Bank (Newark, Ohio)

Second Place Winner—$3,000
The Playbook: Football and Finances 

Omarion Tanner (Kirksey Middle School, Jackson, Miss.)
Planters Bank (Indianola, Miss.)

Third Place Winner—$1,000
Rappin' Your Way to Retirement 

Sarah Moraw (West Ottawa High School, Holland, Mich.)
ChoiceOne Bank (Sparta, Mich.)

The ABA Foundation will also award a scholarship for a teacher from each winning school to attend the 2022 Jump$tart National Educator Conference in Atlanta.

In addition to celebrating this year’s Lights, Camera, Save! winners, the ABA Foundation is also celebrating the 25th anniversary of its signature youth financial education initiative, Teach Children to Save. Teach Children to Save is a national campaign that encourages bankers to educate local K-8 students about money and real-world financial concepts through classroom presentations, virtual lessons, social media engagement and other outreach efforts. Today marks the annual Teach Children to Save Day, and banks across the country are currently participating in the 2022 campaign.

Since 1997, the ABA Foundation’s financial education initiatives have reached 11.6 million young people through more than 375,000 banker presentations. Current Foundation programs include:

Participation in all of the ABA Foundation programs is available free of charge to ABA member banks and nonmember banks. 

Note to Editors: Click here to view the grand prize announcement video and national finalists. 


About the American Bankers Association

The American Bankers Association is the voice of the nation’s $24 trillion banking industry, which is composed of small, regional and large banks that together employ approximately 2.1 million people, safeguard $19 trillion in deposits and extend $12.4 trillion in loans.

About the ABA Foundation

Through its leadership, partnerships, and national programs, ABA’s Community Engagement Foundation (dba ABA Foundation), a 501(c)3, helps bankers provide financial education to individuals at every age, elevate issues around affordable housing and community development, and achieve corporate social responsibility objectives to improve the well-being of their customers and their communities.

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