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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Press Release

ABA Launches Multimedia Ad Campaign Opposing Deeply Flawed Credit Card Legislation

Ad buy includes TV, digital and radio ads in D.C. market opposing Durbin Amendment expansion


The American Bankers Association today launched a major TV, radio and digital advertising campaign highlighting the flaws with the so-called Credit Card Competition Act and the negative impact it would have on consumers, including the elimination of popular credit card reward programs. The ad campaign targets the Washington market and follows similar ABA advertising in select markets across the country.

The legislation, which has been introduced in the House and Senate, would eliminate consumer choice by allowing retail chains to route their customers’ transactions over the cheapest credit card network regardless of security capabilities or rewards offerings. The ads, which begin airing today, urge policymakers in Washington to reject any attempt to advance the bill, which has never been the focus of a hearing, during the lame-duck Congress. They also encourage consumers to tell their lawmakers to oppose this misguided legislation, which is being pushed by the largest national grocery chains, online retailers and big-box stores. The ads highlight how those businesses are trying to avoid paying their fair share to support the nation’s modern and efficient payments system, even as they benefit from that system every day.

“Senators Marshall and Durbin, Senator-elect Welch and Representative Gooden have introduced anti-consumer legislation that would reduce choice, jeopardize consumer data security, and eliminate travel points and other popular credit card rewards programs,” said ABA President and CEO Rob Nichols. “This ad campaign educates the public on the negative impact this bill would have on consumers and urges lawmakers to oppose mega-retailers’ attempt to pad their profits while they are already charging sky-high prices."

"From gas to groceries. Americans are feeling it. High prices and record inflation. So why are some in Washington pushing a new costly mandate that’ll make things harder for consumers? It’ll mean the credit card rewards you enjoy…will go away. It won’t be your choice. It’ll be what Washington wants. Consumers and Main Street will lose big," the association's television ad says.

“As the biggest grocery chains try to get even bigger and limit competition, they’re pressuring Congress to pass a law making your cash back, points, rewards, and airline miles a thing of the past. With inflation eating away at your food budget, the big plan from big grocery is to make things even worse by making it harder to earn credit card rewards when you try to feed your family. That isn’t competition. It’s a money grab by big grocery,” the association’s radio ad says. 

The digital ads will further amplify those messages.

The ads direct listeners and viewers to the campaign’s URL — aba.com/ProtectMyPoints — where they can send a letter to their Congressional delegation opposing S. 4674/H.R. 8874, the Credit Card Competition Act.

Watch and listen to the TV/Radio ads.


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The American Bankers Association is the voice of the nation’s $24 trillion banking industry, which is composed of small, regional and large banks that together employ approximately 2.1 million people, safeguard $19 trillion in deposits and extend $12.4 trillion in loans.

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