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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Press Release

National Survey: 99% of Consumers Give High Marks to their Bank’s Online and Mobile Experience for Third Consecutive Year


Ninety-nine percent of consumers rated their bank’s online and mobile app experience as “excellent,” “very good,” or “good,”—once again tying the record mark set two years ago—according to a national survey conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Bankers Association. When considering the growth of digital and online tools as well as traditional branches and ATMs, 95% of respondents characterized their overall access to banking services today as "excellent," "very good," or "good." In addition, 84% of those surveyed said innovation and technological improvements by banks are making it easier for all Americans to access financial services, an acknowledgment of the role technology is playing in promoting financial inclusion.

“This survey shows that consumers overwhelmingly appreciate the incredible digital tools that make banking so easy these days,” said Rob Nichols, ABA president and CEO. “It also shows that Americans recognize how the industry’s investments in technology are helping to bring millions more unbanked households into the banking system.”

Eight in 10 consumers (79%) used a mobile device to manage their bank account at least once in the previous month, and more than half (54%) did so more than three times, according to the survey. Ninety-two percent of younger adults ages 18-34 have done so compared to 57% of adults ages 65+. In addition, the survey found that 54% of U.S. adults used a mobile app to make a payment or transfer money within the past year – up from 34% just three years ago – with 74% of younger adults (18-34-year-olds) reporting that they had done so.

“Mobile banking adoption exploded during the pandemic, and it’s easy to see why it has stayed at such high levels – people have been overwhelmingly satisfied with their experience,” said Brooke Ybarra, ABA’s senior vice president of innovation strategy. “Banks will continue to innovate as they strive to offer an enhanced mobile experience that allows consumers to conduct important financial transactions safely and securely.”

ABA released an accompanying infographic highlighting the survey results. The data released today are the latest in a series of results gauging U.S. consumers’ preferences and opinions regarding banks and their services. ABA recently released additional survey data on major bank policy issues and most-used banking methods as well as data revealing that Americans are highly satisfied with their bank and variety of options, value credit card rewards and trust banks most to protect them from fraud and scams. The full results for today’s survey questions are as follows:

When asked “On a scale of 1-5, where “5” is excellent and “1” is poor, how would you rate your primary bank’s online and mobile app experience?” respondents who have a bank account provided the following responses: 

  • Excellent – 47%
  • Very Good – 38%
  • Good – 14%
  • Fair – 1%
  • Poor – 0%

When asked “Given the growth of digital and online tools as well as traditional branches and ATMs, how would you characterize your overall access to banking services today?” respondents who have a bank account provided the following responses:

  • Excellent – 40%
  • Very Good – 40%
  • Good – 15%
  • Poor – 1%
  • Don’t know/No opinion – 4%

When asked “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Innovation and technology improvements by banks are making it easier for all Americans to have access to financial services” consumers provided the following responses:

  • Strongly agree – 43%
  • Somewhat agree – 41%
  • Somewhat disagree – 4%
  • Strongly disagree – 1%
  • Don’t know/no opinion – 11%

When asked “In the past month, how often have you used a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, to access and manage your bank accounts, such as check balances, deposits or bill payments?” consumers provided the following responses:

  • More than 3 times – 54%
  • 1-3 times – 25%
  • Never – 17%
  • Don’t own a mobile device – 1%
  • Don’t know/no opinion – 3%

Younger adults were more likely to use a mobile device at least once to manage their accounts:

  • 18-34 – 92%
  • 35-44 – 89%
  • 45-64 – 77%
  • 65+    – 57%

When asked “In the past 12 months, have you used a mobile app on your phone or tablet, such as Apple Pay, Zelle or Venmo, to make a payment or transfer money to someone?” consumers provided the following answers:

  • Yes – 54%
  • No – 41%
  • Don’t Know/No opinion – 4%

Younger adults were more likely to use mobile payment apps:

  • 18-34 – 74%
  • 35-44 – 68%
  • 45-64 – 47%
  • 65+    – 28%

About the Survey

This poll was conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Bankers Association from September 16-17, 2022, among a national sample of 2,211 adults. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.


About the American Bankers Association

The American Bankers Association is the voice of the nation’s $24 trillion banking industry, which is composed of small, regional and large banks that together employ approximately 2.1 million people, safeguard $19 trillion in deposits and extend $12.4 trillion in loans.

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(202) 663-5471

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