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Justification Kit | ABA-Wharton Leadership Lab

ABA-Wharton Leadership Lab is a premier Ivy League program for senior bank leaders and newly-minted C-suite executives to gain an enterprise-wide view of a bank’s business, clarify their role and lead their banks to success.

We realize that many travel and training budgets are under intense scrutiny, which means you need to outline how the time and money being spent for you to attend Leadership Lab will help take your skills – and your bank's performance – to the next level. We would like to help you craft a compelling business case. 

Use our Justification Letter template to make your case to attend. Alternatively, fill out our Keep Me Informed (KMI) form if you would like to be contacted by a Leadership Lab representative for more program information.

Download Template

Keep Me Informed

Get updates on the next sessions of the ABA-Wharton Leadership Lab. Contact Perette Bonner if you have any questions.