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Elder Fraud Prevention Summit | ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference

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Brought to you by the ABA Foundation with support from Bank of America, Citi, and JPMorgan Chase

Older adults are a growing population in the United States — and a growing target for scams. Seniors lose billions of dollars annually from elder financial exploitation. ABA and the ABA Foundation are committed to helping your bank protect your customers and your communities. Our inaugural Elder Fraud Prevention Summit, on Monday, October 7, aims to foster collaboration, support action plans and offer resources for fighting elder financial exploitation.

Space is limited to 100 attendees so register now!

2024 Agenda

  • Mon, Oct 7

Mon, Oct 7

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM


11:30 AM –12:30 PM

Buffet Lunch

12:40 PM – 12:55 PM

Summit Welcome

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM

Elder Financial Exploitation Research and Trends

This session will discuss the scam strategies of criminals and known perpetrators, and how an individual’s financial situation, unmet social and emotional needs, and cognition can play a role in victimization.

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM


1:55 PM – 2:55 PM

Optimizing Bank Policies and Procedures

Combating elder financial exploitation requires a multifaceted approach. It’s critical for banks to train staff and establish policies and procedures to recognize, respond and report such crimes in a timely manner. In this session, a panel of bankers will discuss strategies you can implement at your bank.

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM

Building Your Elder Fraud Prevention Support Network

“It takes a village to raise a child,” as the saying goes. It also takes a community to safeguard seniors. Bankers are central players in the fight, but they’re not the only ones. Beating the bad guys requires a network of good guys. This session will explore the partners you can turn to, their roles and how to develop those relationships in your community.

3:45 PM – 3:55 PM


3:55 PM – 4:55 PM

Anatomy of an Investigation

A panel of investigators will present an elder financial exploitation case study. Attendees will have the chance to review and discuss the case before formulating their own action plans. The panel will then share the outcome of the real case.

5:00 PM – 5:35 PM

Supporting Victims of Financial Crimes

Financial crimes are especially devastating for seniors, leaving not only a financial toll but also a lasting emotional and physical impact. Older adults often don’t know how to recover after they fall victim, but banks can help point them in the right direction. Learn about national support services and ways your bank can support victims of financial crimes.

5:40 PM – 5:45 PM

Closing Remarks

5:45 PM – 6:30 PM

Networking Reception

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