Ethical Issues for Bankers – cornerstone course that explores ethical standards for financial services professionals
Implement a talent management program for marketing teams
Manage Performance
Online Training
Marketing Management – facilitated course on best practices for managing a bank’s brand, public relations and digital marketing campaigns, and how this can deliver a strong return on investment (ROI)
Marketing Planning – facilitated course on how to develop skills for preparing a comprehensive strategic marketing plan and creating a budget
Bank Marketing School
Learn strategic marketing skills from expert faculty that will increase your bank’s bottom line, then demonstrate what you learned by creating a marketing plan for a fictional bank
Ongoing training and education for bank marketers of every level
Opportunities for in-role and career progression
Nationally Recognized Professional Certifications
Certified Financial Marketing Professional (CFMP) – the only industry-recognized certification for bank marketers to demonstrate mastery of today’s essential bank marketing and management principles
CFMP Exam Online Prep – prepare for the CFMP exam with self-paced online training tailored to the knowledge and job tasks on the test
Learning Opportunities with Continuing Education Credits
Develop and communicate specific development plans to fill key roles
Rewards and challenging experiences make a difference. Incorporate these recognition and leadership opportunities into your professional development offerings.
Assistance with retirement and succession planning
Succession Planning Toolkit
Do you have a plan for who will next lead your marketing team? This toolkit includes an easy-to-follow framework for identifying new leaders across the organization and managing critical staffing transitions.
With a wave of baby boomers retiring, plus the normal rate of staff turnover, proactive planning is essential. ABA can help you think strategically about benefits and practices to successfully offboard staff.