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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Press Release

ABA Foundation Encourages Banks to Host Lights, Camera, Save! Video Contest


The American Bankers Association Foundation is urging banks across the country to participate in its upcoming 14th annual Lights, Camera, Save! video competition that runs from Oct.1 to Dec.1. Lights, Camera, Save! is a national contest that encourages teens to use video to communicate the value of sound money management. The competition is one of the ABA Foundation’s most popular financial education programs.

Through Lights, Camera, Save!, teen participants create a video up to 30 seconds long that demonstrates the importance of using money wisely and submit it to their local participating bank. The contest is open to teen filmmakers of all experience levels.

“The Lights, Camera, Save! video contest continues to be one of our most popular programs year after year,” said Lindsay Torrico, executive director, ABA Foundation. “It’s a great opportunity for banks to engage students throughout their community in an important dialogue around smart saving habits. We encourage banks across the country to join us in hosting this fun and educational competition.” 

Registered banks will host the first round of judging and select a winning student to compete on the national level for several awards, including a grand prize of $5,000, $2,500 for the second-place winner and $1,000 for the third-place winner. National contestants will then go head-to-head on ABA’s Instagram page to determine which videos advance to the final round of national judging. Last year, there were 350 participating banks in 47 states and Washington, D.C. as part of Lights, Camera, Save! [View the 2023-2024 winning videos]

The ABA Foundation provides registered banks with all contest materials, real-time customer support and promotional resources completely free of charge. Banks interested in participating in the contest can also sign up online at aba.com/lightscamerasave. Registered banks will be featured in the list of participating banks on the ABA Foundation website and in press materials.

In support of this year’s competition, the ABA Foundation is offering a Lights, Camera, Save! webinar for banks interested in participating today, Sept. 4 at 2 p.m. ET. To register for the webinar, click here. For additional questions about the contest or how to register, bankers can email ABA Foundation Senior Manager for Youth Financial Education Kelsey Havemann at [email protected].


About the American Bankers Association

The American Bankers Association is the voice of the nation’s $24.1 trillion banking industry, which is composed of small, regional and large banks that together employ approximately 2.1 million people, safeguard $19.2 trillion in deposits and extend $12.7 trillion in loans.

About the ABA Foundation

Through its leadership, partnerships, and national programs, ABA’s Community Engagement Foundation (dba ABA Foundation), a 501(c)3, helps bankers provide financial education to individuals at every age, elevate issues around affordable housing and community development, and achieve corporate social responsibility objectives to improve the well-being of their customers and their communities.

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(202) 663-5468

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