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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Industry News

The Challenges of Heir Searching

Heir searching is an inherently complicated and time-consuming task, due to various factors, such as:
• Statutes and administrative requirements that vary by state;
• Documents that may be erroneous or out-of-date;
• And crucial information that rests in the hands—or the memories—of unreliable people, some of whom are located in the farthest reaches of the globe.
Consequently, Estate practitioners tasked with dispersing the assets of estates to known—and most pertinently unknown—heirs and beneficiaries may face significant obstacles in fulfilling their fiduciary duties.


We Find Missing Heirs A Better Way® Since 1967, HeirSearch.com has specialized in providing the legal and trust professions with forensic genealogy A Better Way through a five-pillar approach that ensures reasonable, non-percentage based fees, authorized search services, a 97% success rate, documented court-ready reports and worldwide service.