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ABA: The American Bankers Association

Banker-Led Personal Finance Education

Turnkey events available online or as in-person presentations for schools and organizations at no cost

Thank you for your interest in a banker-led financial education presentation. We’re currently managing the overwhelming demand we received and are not taking any more requests at this time.

Schools, community organizations, senior centers and other groups across the country use FinEdLink – the financial education link – to request banker-led financial education presentations. These interactive sessions are designed to engage audiences of all ages – students, Kindergarten through college, as well as adults 55+ and their caregivers.

Want to learn more? Click on the icons below for more details about each program.

Explore Our Financial Education Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I invite a banker to make a presentation?

Bankers are trusted financial experts with a vested interest in improving financial literacy and security in their communities. Bankers have unique knowledge, as well as access to tools and resources that can help audiences develop the skills necessary to make better-informed and secure decisions when it comes to their finances.

Do all banks participate in ABA Foundation's programs?

Every year, banks in all fifty states and U.S. territories register to participate in the ABA Foundation’s financial education programs. Each program’s participating banks list is available online, including notation of those banks accepting FinEdLink Presentation Requests.

What topics will be presented? Can I request more than one topic?

Multiple presentations can be requested on a variety of age-appropriate topics. Topics include:

  • Grades K-8 – Careers in Banking, Interest, Making Decisions, Recognizing Money and Saving.
  • High School/Young Adult – Budgeting, Careers in Banking, Credit Scores, Paying for College, Protecting Identity and Saving for the Unexpected.
  • Adults 55+/Caregivers – Acting As a Responsible Caregiver, Choosing a Financial Caregiver, Choosing an Executor, Identifying & Avoiding Scams,  Preventing Identity Theft and Understanding Powers of Attorney.

Where will the presentation be held?

Logistics for presentations, including location, will be coordinated between you and the banker. Presentations can be held at the facility of the requesting organization, bank branch, public library or other community centers.